Biopredia Biological Technology Co., Ltd
Biopredia Biological Technology Co., Ltd
Address: 3rd Floor, Building G51, Koutai Road, China Medical City, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province
Telephone: 0523-85680766
HR Dept.: 17705267277
Market Dept.: 13671534319
Tech Dept.: 18861013088
Biopredia introduction

  The industry leader in multiplex immunoassay

  BioPredia is a leader in the development, manufacture, and commercialization of innovative multiplex immunoassays and instruments for Clinical diagnosis of complex diseases

  What differentiates Biopredia, a IVD Company, from its competitors is that we have spent over several years developing and manufacturing multiplex immunoassays for clinical diagnostics, including sex hormones, thyroid functional biomarkers, cancer biomarkers, cytokines and growth factors, vaccine biological evaluation, and companioning diagnostics, enabling clinicians to profile many biomarkers simultaneously in a single sample without compromising assay performance. 

  We have built ultrasensitive immunoassays on the quantify Neurodegenerative biomarkers previously difficult or impossible to measure. Our platform appropriately combines microsphere-based xMAP technology and Signal Cascade amplification with the precision and Automatic Suspension array detection system.

  Together these features set Biopredia apart from other IVD companies by providing the highest quality, cost-effective approach multiplex immunoassay products from a variety of sample types with the best performance and the lowest limits of detection.

  Biopredia has continued to evolve its technology platform to enable clinicians to earlier diagnosis of the complex diseases and, as the Company looks toward the future, it is expanding into neuroscience and the emerging fields of neurodegenerative disease diagnostics.